Maine leads the entire nation in both its percentage of self-employed individuals & its total number of successful small & home businesses. It's time they were properly celebrated.
Population (all in thousands)
Family Farms & Homesteads
Small Businesses
Flying Solo from Home
Secure Needed Support Services, Swap Lessons Learned & Announce Excess Inventory
Advertise What You Do Where Customers Are!
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Present & Manage Your CSA here...
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Our process to join is as simple as providing the same level of information that you might for a Facebook page, only better, because your already among friends.
Your contributions to the Maine Homesteader are used to promote the site just like you would a traditional farmers' market - only better.
To advertise with us, you must first join (so as to provide us space for you in our basic directory) then use the link below to upload your ad panel and pay the monthly rate.
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Now that you have provided the background information, we welcome you to establish your membership login credentials. This is simply your own, email account and password, that unlocks all of the community features.